Diego Garlaschelli is an Italian Associate Professor of theoretical and applied physics at the IMT Advanced School Lucca and Leiden Institute of Physics.
Diego Garlaschelli had obtained masters degree in theoretical physics from the Roma Tre University in 2001 and four years later got Ph.D. in physics from the University of Siena. Soon after, he became a postdoc at his alma mater and then moved to Australia where he kept the same position at the Australian National University. He also served as postdoc at the University of Oxford and St. Anna School for Advanced Studies in Pisa before becoming an associate fellow of the Saïd Business School of Oxford University in 2011.
In 2008 Diego and his team had created an econophysics model of all loans and debts between banks which will be used by the banks to prevent a new economic collapse. In 2019 he had partnered with the National Research Council to develop the tools that would minimize the access to all information. He and his team then published the study in Nature Reviews Physics where Garlaschelli provided an example of networks behaving as an intermediate between Fermi–Dirac statistics, in which particles cannot be in the same state, and Bose–Einstein statistics, where no such restriction is in place. He also explained the mechanism responsible for the breaking of a century-old assumption in statistical physics which was similar to the canonical and microcanonical ensembles, which were usually used to describe systems under respectively soft and hard constrained optimization.
Complete article available at this page.
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